Christopher B. Murray
Real Estate Investor
My wife Lisa and I have been in Ridgefield for 28 years, moving here from NYC to raise our family. My family includes my daughter Caroline and son Peter. Both are graduates of Ridgefield’s excellent school system and are now college graduates with business careers in New York City.
I am a former member of the Ridgefield Board of Education. During my time on the BOE I Chaired the Negotiation Committee.
I feel blessed to live in Ridgefield. It is a generous, caring and intelligent community which I feel fortunate to be part of.
Favorite hobby or activity: Although I wouldn’t quite use the word “enjoy” to describe my passion for physical labor, I do get great satisfaction out of working on the properties I own as well as working in my own yard. I like
any physical activity that makes me sweaty and dirty. I also like a round of golf with friends and family. I also like to write, particularly on political topics.
What office are you running for?
What are the main issues facing the Board of Selectmen?
Ridgefield Board of Selectmen
My reasons for running for Selectman emanate from a desire to protect and preserve Ridgefield’s many fine attributes. As a business owner, I bring to the Board of Selectmen all of the disciplines necessary to operate a profitable business as well as a healthy disdain for government needlessly burdening its citizens and small businesses. Government should have as limited a role in people’s lives as possible.
The elephant in the room is the affordable housing mandate imposed by the State of Connecticut. While purporting to help affordability, this legislation is mean spirited and coercive, pitting good people against one another. Its goals are laudable, its methods aren’t. I will be a steadfast proponent of local control, reminding local leaders as well as our state legislators that less coercive solutions to local housing affordability are entirely sufficient and suitable.
In many respects, the Town of Ridgefield is well run, efficient and mindful of limiting the tax burden on its citizens. My primary focus will be to preserve and sustain affordable town government. I expect to work cooperatively but effectively with the other members of the Board of Selectmen to achieve those ends.
Why are you the right candidate for the Board of Selectmen this year?
I successfully served on the Board of Education. I like to think that I was persuasive. But being persuasive starts with listening and being persuadable. Voters have a right to expect quality character and leadership by example, and I will provide both.
What do you hope to accomplish if elected?
I will continue budgetary and fiscal discipline, keeping Ridgefield on a sustainable path. I will insist on efficient and accountable government. Local control as it pertains to development.